Chief Rabbi of Israel Sends Letter To Florida Gov. Asking a 60 Day Execution Halt For Martin Grossman

Chief Rabbi of Israel Rabbi Yonah Metzger has written a letter to Florida Governor Charlie Crist asking him for a 60 day stay of execution for Martin Grossman.

Rav Metzger writes, “It has come to my attention that new evidence has surfaced in this case and changes in the law have taken place that merit consideration of clemency. I am convinced that there is sufficient cause to at least delay this execution until all evidence and legal arguments are presented.”

Grossman on death row for over 25 years is scheduled to be executed this Tuesday night 6:00PM EST.

This letter comes on the heels of a historic letter to the Florida Governor written and signed by the leaders of seven major American orthodox organizations representing hundreds of thousands of Jews, (including: Agudath Israel of America, National Council of Young Israel, Orthodox Union,, Satmar (UJO- UJC) RCA and Chabad) urging the Governor to grant clemency to Mr. Grossman. A personal request by Rabbinical leaders to meet has so far been ignored by the Governor.


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