Study: Acid Reflux on the Rise

Heartburn and other symptoms of acid reflux seem to be much more common than they were a decade ago.

The prevalence of weekly heartburn and other symptoms of acid reflux rose nearly 50% over the last decade, according to one of the largest studies ever to examine the issue.

The study followed more than 30,000 people in Norway for 11 years. When the study started, 11.6% of the people reported acid reflux symptoms at least once a week. That percentage rose to 17.1% by the end of the study. That's a 47% increase. 

The study doesn't explain why heartburn and other acid reflux symptoms rose, but obesity is the most likely reason for the findings. And that makes the finding relevant to the U.S. and other industrialized countries, says researcher Eivind Ness-Jensen of the Norwegian University of Science and Technology.

The findings are particularly troubling, Ness-Jensen says, because people who've had acid reflux for a long time may be more likely to develop cancer of the esophagus -- a once rare, but increasingly common malignancy.


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