Bob Turner: ‘I Believe We Will Prevail At The End of The Day’

Congressman Bob Turner’s surprise Senate campaign started too late for him to earn a spot on the Conservative Party ticket, but he still stopped by the convention where Wendy Long received the nomination today.

“I’m here today to pay my respects to the Conservative Party,” Mr. Turner said in a press conference held after his visit at the convention. “I would like very much to be on their nominating ballot, there’s a process in place and certain rules and my late entry in that has made this extraordinarily problematic.”

Mr. Turner jumped into the Senate race last Tuesday after the redistricting maps released by the court effectively elminated his seat in the 9th district. At his press conference, The Politicker asked Mr. Turner his reaction to his raw redistricting deal.

“We were surprised. We had every indication that there would be a district representing the unique character of the 9th,” Mr. Turner said. “It was carved up in such a way that made any effective run electorally impossible, so I was very disappointed and disappointed at the timing. … Had we known this six weeks ago, perhaps a lot of this angst we’re going through now just would never have happened.”

Though, traditionally, it is hard to win on a Republican ticket without also being on the Conservative ballot, Mr. Turner said he’s not worried about missing out on the Conservative nomination.

“That may be past popular wisdom, I don’t know. I know what I have to do and I take it a step at a time,” Mr. Turner said. “The next step is to win the primary on the Republican ticket, what happens after that, we’ll see. But our real target here is the Democratic-controlled Senate, particularly Senator Gillibrand, so that’s what this campaign will be about and who is the best candidate to defeat her in November.”

Mr. Turner also didn’t enter the race fast enough to get a solo spot on the GOP ticket. At the State Republican Party Convention in Rochester last week, the party chose to allow Mr. Turner, Ms. Long and George Maragos to run for the nomination. We asked Mr. Turner what he believes he brings to the table that his opponents do not.

“I think we have name recognition and a proven record to get crossover voters, New York we have a three to one registration disadvantage. I’ve been able to overcome that, and I intend to do it again and I think that’s the biggest thing,” Mr. Turner said. “We’ve made outreach to a number of groups in the community that I think will be very important as we move forward. A lot of groundwork has been laid, we have a great campaign team, all that will be brought to bear and I believe we will prevail at the end of the day.”

With Ms. Long having earned the Conservative nomination, Mr. Turner could find himself in a three-way race against Ms. Long and Ms. Gillibrand if he wins the Republican nomination and Ms. Long were to pursue an uphill campaign without the Republican ballot line. Mr. Turner said he’d “certainly” be willing to fight a two front war if that scenario ends up happening, but he wasn’t willing to speculate about whether the Conservatives might back him if he secures the far more significant Republican nomination.

“Well let’s get through one thing at a time and we’ll see how it plays out,” Mr. Turner said.

In 2010, Rick Lazio got the Conservative nomination for governor, but ended up dropping out after the Republicans backed Carl Paladino.

Mr. Turner is a longtime friend of Conservative Party chairman Mike Long. He actually credits Mr. Long with convincing to enter politics and run in the special election to replace Congressman Anthony Weiner last year. Mr. Turner said Mr. Long promised the Party’s support to Ms. Long and he understood why Mr. Long wasn’t willing to go back on his word.

“Mike and I have been friends for a very long time. I’ve only been in politics two years, our friendship goes back way longer than that. Mike is a man of his word and given his word before I got into this,” Mr. Turner said. “I wouldn’t be into this you know had it not been for the redistricting problem and this is the only outlet for our talent and energy.”


  1. thens Archbishop Christodoulos said we deserved 9/11 (ISBN 960-252-007-8). On the Thursday before Easter Greeks chant pogrom inciting Beatitudes against "godslaying lawless Jews"in Greek, but change it to "Assemby of Jews" in English. They removed American Archbishop Iakovos because he was too American and Jerusalem Patriarch Irineos because he was too friendly with Israelis. Old witches who used to work at diners until they dropped now slip "Elder Protocols" and other terror claptrap in the pews. When I was growing up priests, would bathe, shave, wear pants - Robed, bearded, stovetopped priest is terror sympathist by definition. Greece was only euronation not to vote for 1947 Israel creation. In such time of war, we should insist that any public assembly of more than ten mandatorily be only in English! These heathen necromantic iconolaters have the nerve to ban Psalm 150 organs? If the Greek government did an Enron with its own books, and Greeks Trojan Horse their Greek taxes, what makes you think they pay the IRS? They go to Greece annually to tend their undisclosed accounts on soviet Cyprus. Notice the soviet spy money laundered Metsos disappeared with Cyprus complicity? Did Illinois Giannoulias, Florida's Crist, California's Angelides and New York's Gianaris apply Greek budgeting techniques like Sarbanes Oxen? Greek Ponzi fourfold Eurodefecit boasts Trojan Horse Perfidy, Klephth Brigandage. Upset that industrious Albanians invaded their lazy, gungrabbing, babykilling homeland, the soviet-churched Greeks vindictively hire, house and promote illegals. As quakes render their homes disposable, Greeks are oblivious to the very concept of maintenance. Instead of blaming environmetalists for fires and socialists for deficits, jealousy driven soviet faith seeks scapegoats. Olympia Snowjob supports Obamacare and abortion because of her gangreen patriarch (Is Orthodox Christianity progressive? Michelle Boorstein Washington Post 11-4-09 Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew spoke about the spiritual imperative for nonviolence, universal health care and reducing consumption to help the environment.) Ancient Greeks reduced consumption to help the environment through infanticide and sodomy. Palamite Zealotes massacred Thessalonian aristocracy in preparation for Cantacuzene usurpation via hesychast hyperventilatory hallucination. This soviet socialism motivated Anatolian farmers to embrace Turks in the 1400s to avoid redistributative taxation and then for liberated mainlanders to migrate to Smyrna in the 1800s.

  2. Turner is the only Republican for Senate who is not a nerd. He knows how to fight on the floor. Longman is an academic like Malpese, and she should be on the Suprime Court. Maranos is like Blechmin, a green eyeshades guy who should run for State Combtroller. Stick a plunger up Cuomolectual Bloombugger’s nose to relieve his congestion pricing. Parasite Manhattan residents, like Washington DC and ex-convicts should not be allowed to vote. (Unless they want to vote in Europe.) Require a valid driver license for any employment. Double tax any parasite not working for profit. Build and join rail hubs at Woodside and West Farms to bypass Manhattan. Liberate Long Island City and Brooklyn from over a century of 1898 Tamanend oppression. Move UN, missions, residences to Governor’s Island surrounded by gators. Anyone who shops at Whole Foods must consume at least one of their own organs weekly. Apartment dwellers must consume any vermin found on their premises. Turn Central Park into a smelly green waste processing facility. Brandmerk the forehead of anyone having an abortion. Access in and out of subway stations should only be by firepole. Your islamosympathic gutterswabbing clothing and pierced privates spread disease. If you weren’t such baby killing, vermin snuggling perverts you wouldn’t be driving up our health costs, then collecting disability for your commie nutty organizing dementia. Your passive aggressive labor unions grab our guns, cars (congestion pricing), balls (SONDA), wallets, and homes but we will grab your throats and dang you from trailer bone tolls. Second Amendment is the ONLY Homeland Security. Wait until we waste all your stumbent subprimes, so you need to sell your affectation glutton art and work instead of diverting tuition and Y2K scams to soviet freezeniks! Deport for multiple visits to same country. If you controlled your own pension neither your boss nor the government could abuse it. Lynch soviet wealth fund abetting aghadhimmic peakies when oil plummets! Parasites complain about salaries but pig out with benefits. Global warming is a grant grubbing extortion racket. Urban sprawl annoys terrorists. Hazards and pollution stem mostly from mandates. Aqua volte! This land wasn’t built by bullocraps.

  3. Turner is Ed Koch's used condom left up Ed Cox's rectal cavity. In 2010 he fell on his face, despite a bravado of outlandish promises, because he was on a vanity trail and not a serious candidate.


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