Mayoral hopeful Christine Quinn dubbed 'power-hungry politician' in ad attack

A new attack ad labels Council Speaker Christine Quinn a power-hungry politician who has turned her back on liberal New Yorkers in her quest for City Hall.

“Virtually all of Christine Quinn’s decisions were made in rooms just like this, with her friends in the 1%,” says the narrator, as an image of a smoke-filled room appears, accompanied by ominous piano music.

The 30-second ad is set to begin airing Monday. It is sponsored by NYC Is Not For Sale, a new political committee formed by Local 1180 and NYCLASS — a group that opposes the city’s horse-drawn carriages. The group says its only platform is “Anyone but Quinn.”

But Quinn spokesman Mike Morey said the ostensibly independent group has close ties to her rival in the mayoral race, fellow Democrat and Public Advocate Bill de Blasio.

“This ad is paid for by a special interest group with strong connections to Bill de Blasio, working to circumvent the New York City campaign-finance system,” Morey said.

Chelsea Connor, a spokeswoman for the group, said it had bought $250,000 worth of spots that will air on progressive outlets like MSNBC and NY1. The expenditure is relatively modest compared with the sums expected to be spent once the 2013 mayoral race begins heating up.

The ad was the latest development in a weekend that saw the candidates trying to distinguish themselves. De Blasio on Sunday reiterated his opposition to “stop and frisk” police tactics favored by NYPD Commissioner Raymond Kelly, saying he would appoint a new top cop if elected.

Republican hopeful John Catsimatidis sought to promote himself in a more ostentatious fashion — with a banner-decked float in the Greek Independence parade.

And Joe Lhota decried the “the culture of corruption” and “tsunami of sleaze” in New York politics.


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